Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poll Closed: Will Dolph Ziggler Be The Next WWE Champion?

Well 81% of you said NO, but for possibly the first time ever I totally disagree with the results. I was apparently one of the only people to vote yes. Well if you all think the next WWE Champion isn't going to be Dolph Ziggler then tell me who you think is. Who do you think is more talented, a better Heel, and has payed his dues and earned it more! 

In my opinion Dolph Ziggler is the next big thing in the WWE. He was trained by Lance Storm, who I think is one of the most talented wrestlers of all time, and who bares the reputation as the "most underrated wrestler" ever. I hate that nickname for Lance by the way, because its a shame he never got the chance and the push he deserved. But I think Dolph has caught up to Lance in terms of his career and now the WWE is going to do what they should have done with Lance, and that is give Dolph that major push into the main event picture. And I think once Dolph gets that push he will never look back. He will stay in the main event for the rest of his career. He is the next Randy Orton, the next Edge, the next CM Punk.

Maybe you all don't see it now because you're just looking at the present and not the future, or maybe that poll was just a popularity contest and you all voted no because you don't like him, but the fact that you don't like him means that he is a successful Heel, which is his job. 

At the next WWE PPV the Royal Rumble, Dolph Ziggler will challenge the current WWE Champion CM Punk for the title, and we all know John Laurinaitis made himself the guest referee so that he could screw CM Punk out of the championship. Personally, I think it would have been more exciting if Dolph won the Championship on the first Raw of the new year, but of course they wanted to save it for the PPV when it was expected. I think it should have been a shock. And honestly, I would have had Chris Jericho make his return during the main event match, run out and cost CM Punk the WWE Championship. Would that have not created major heat between Punk and Jericho? It sure would have been more exciting than Jericho walking out and saying nothing, and then Punk getting counted out. Honestly, why was he knocked out for a whole 10 count just because he fell out of the ring? I've seen guys take much worse falls than that. It was shit. Jericho should have screwed Punk right then and there and Dolph Ziggler should be the new Champion. Then they would have had their rematch at the Royal Rumble. Punk would have won the Championship back either at the Royal Rumble or at the Elimination Chamber. And I would have Jericho win the Royal Rumble and then challenge CM Punk for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania just like we all know is going to happen!

Meanwhile, I think Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder need to have a rematch for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania since that was the second most exciting match of the year in my opinion right after CM Punk and John Cena and Money In The Bank. 

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