I would have Kid Kash walk out to the ring on Impact, call out X-Division Champion Austin Aries and challenge him for one more chance at his X-Division Championship. I would have Jerry Lynn run out and help Kash win the title. I would have Jerry Lynn, who was the original X-Division Champion become the manager of Kash, who was a former ECW star. I would then have Jerry Lynn say that Kash was going to do the one thing that Lynn could never do, and that is defeat Rob Van Dam.
Kash would call out RVD and challenge him to a match for the X-Division Championship at the next PPV. Of course RVD would win the match and the X-Division Championship. Afterwards, Jerry Lynn would shake RVD's hand and admit he was the better man. Jerry Lynn would become RVD's manager. RVD would ask him by handing him the infamous Bill Alfonso whistle, which Lynn would blow and point at the ceiling like Sabu. The crowd would explode.

The X-Division match should have been an Ultimate X Match because RVD would be amazing in that type of match. For the Television Championship they should either do a Steel Cage or a Monster's Ball. Something special to show of RVD's talents.
Once RVD wins the match and becomes both X-Division and Television Champion, that would only leave the Tag-Team Championships. Now this is something RVD should win with several different partners because there are so many partners that would be lucky to team with RVD. I think it would be fitting if the first time was with Jerry Lynn. They could challenge current champions Matt Morgan and Crimsion and RVD could hit Crimsion with the 5-Star Frog Splash in the middle of the ring and pin Crimsion to end his undefeated streak once and for all. I think RVD could also be Tag-Team partners with guys such as Abyss, Sabu, Mr. Anderson, AJ Styles, Bully Ray, but I think the greatest partner would be Jeff Hardy!
I also think those same wrestlers should be the ones having matches with RVD. Imagine a Monster's Ball (aka Extreme Rules aka Hardcore) match with Abyss or Sabu or even Jeff Hardy. What about Ultimate X with Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles. Cages Matches with any of them, particularly Hardy and Anderson who can do Swantons off the top just as RVD could do a 5-Star off the top of the Cage. Ultimately, these should be main event matches for the TNA Championship!
Once RVD won every championship in TNA I would have him win more TNA World Championships than anyone in history. He should defeat the major legends in TNA such as Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, and Sting! Rob Van Dam should be the greatest champion in TNA history!
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