Kane Takes Out Ryder
Zack Ryder remains hospitalized after being chokeslammed by Kane through the stage on Monday’s Raw SuperShow... it was annoucned that Ryder has a broken back later during the show. I guess this means Ryder will not be competting in the Royal Rumble or regaining his United States Championship anytime soon.
Zack Ryder remains hospitalized after being chokeslammed by Kane through the stage on Monday’s Raw SuperShow... it was annoucned that Ryder has a broken back later during the show. I guess this means Ryder will not be competting in the Royal Rumble or regaining his United States Championship anytime soon.
Whose Fault Is It Really?
Eve laid the blame for Zack Ryder's herniated disc at John Cena's feet, but there are plenty of other potentially guilty parties when it comes to the broski's pain. Who else could be at fault for Ryder's predicament?

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