Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chris Jericho's Return!

As seen on RAW this week, Chris Jericho returned to WWE as the 1/2/12 "mystery person". I reported several weeks ago that Jericho would be returning to WWE as the person behind the 1/2/12 video promos. Jericho denied the reports via Twitter by posting completely false tweets on his location and a return to pro wrestling. This should come as no surprise as he's done this numerous times in the past.

As of several weeks ago, there were plans to do a CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho feud leading to a match between the two at WrestleMania 28. Obviously, Chris Jericho would be the heel going into that match. That should pan out during the next several weeks.

The Rock wrote to Chris Jericho on Twitter Monday night after his return on RAW and hinted that the two may be working together soon. He wrote: "@IAmJericho Helluva kick ass return. Welcome back my friend. Look forward to having some fun w you. #MongooseVsF-ckFaceJones"

John Laurinaitis tweeted last night about his arm after the CM Punk angle and Chris Jericho's return: "My staff and I aren't pleased, for those of you who follow this and want the real scoop. We hope to have answers from @IAmJericho soon. 

WWE's website wrote the following about Chris Jericho's return last night, giving a look at where they may be headed with the storyline: "After weeks of cryptic "1-2-12" videos on Raw SuperShow, Chris Jericho made a shocking return and was warmly welcomed by the WWE Universe, greeting some with high-fives at ringside. As he urged them for more cheers, "#Y2J" instantly became the No. 1 worldwide trend on Twitter. But as the Superstar – who was dressed in a dazzling, light-up, blinged out jacket – prolonged his homecoming, the WWE Universe's chants of "welcome back" soon turned to boos. A smiling Jericho exited without addressing the Memphis crowd, leaving the irritated WWE Universe wondering why he's back."

The official WWE Twitter re-tweeted a comment from a fan last night knocking Chris Jericho's WWE return: "Wow. Really, @WWE? Not a word from him? Not a single word? Way to waste a moment with #Y2J on #RAW."

Chris Jericho has not commented since returning on RAW last night but did re-tweet several comments from fans about about how he was trending worldwide and how he didn't have to speak to get there.

Former WWE Superstar Lance Storm noted on Twitter last night that he trained with Chris Jericho at his Storm Wrestling Academy in Canada to prepare for Jericho's WWE return. He wrote: "Since he's back yes @IAmJericho did come back and train with me at SWA. We spent a couple days in the ring including a 17 min match #norust"

WWE's website has a new article up looking at how Chris Jericho has used viral videos over the years. They're also teasing more to Jericho's WWE return than we saw on RAW last night: "Still, there are plenty of questions left unanswered between the videos and Jericho's shocking appearance on Raw SuperShow. For example, the fourth video refers to a mysterious 'she.' According to the clip, 'she' holds the answers to the return of Chris Jericho, and that when he calls her, he will begin to reclaim what is rightfully his.

"What does all this mean for the WWE? No one but Chris Jericho knows, and until he decides to let the rest of the world in on his ultimate goals, all the WWE Universe can do is conjecture. Certainly, Jericho has left us plenty of material to do precisely that."


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