Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lita Arrested / Returns To Raw

Former WWE Diva Amy "Lita" Dumas was arrested on December 9th for Driving While License Suspended/Revoked and Speeding in Excess of Maximum Limits in Columbia County, Georgia. A bond was set at $2,200. She tweeted Saturday afternoon, "You guys make a Team Extreme jailbird graphic yet? Get to work! #slackers."

She must not have stayed in jail very long because she has on Raw Monday night to present the Slammy Award to Kelly Kelly. Maybe the WWE got her out of jail and in return she had to make the appearance, no idea. But it was nice seeing her back on Raw!

Jim Ross stated on Twitter that he assumes Amy "Lita" Dumas' appearance on Monday's RAW SuperShow was a one-time occurrence but that she's opening to "doing more." He also added details regarding her arrest Friday. "Her recent traffic arrest was speeding," he wrote. "License wasn't suspended. Computer glitch."

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