Friday, November 11, 2011

Zack Ryder's Petition On Twitter

WWE is doing an angle where Zack Ryder is using a petition on Twitter to try and get John Laurinaitis to give him a United States Title shot against Dolph Ziggler. Here's the description from Ryder's petition: "Even after I beat Dolph Ziggler last week, Interim GM John Laurinaitis refuses to grant me a United States Title Match. Are you serious, bro? You guys have supported The Long Island Iced Z and helped make my YouTube show awesome, so I'm hoping you'll support me once again by signing my Twitter petition to force John Laurinaitis to give me a U.S. Title Match. WWWYKI!"

Zack Ryder has now had over 275,000 people sign his petition to receive a U.S. Championship match against Dolph Ziggler. You can check out the petition: 

I Really Want This Shirt... Especially Since Vince McMahon Had It Banned Because It Had The Word Spike On It, And WWE No Longer Televises Their Programs On That Network lol.

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