John Morrison was a guest on The LAW Sunday night discussing his recent return to WWE television, his neck injury, changing his style and his match at WrestleMania this past April.
His neck injury and what led to his time off: I got an MRI, and they basically found that I had two bone spurs, which was wear and tear, but the herniation and compression, similar to someone stepping on a garden hose, cut off the nerves to my arm. I went to the gym the following day, and I knew my neck hurt, but I was like "ah, you'll work through it," like you do in fighting or anything. I was gonna do curls; I go to pick up two fifty pound dumb bells, do one curl with my left, and my right just doesn't work. I can't curl at all. I ended up going down to a ten pound dumb bell, and I could barely, barely move it. That's when I knew something was really wrong. I had a more minor procedure basically they just went through and drilled through the bone and took the bone out that was pinching the nerve. My arm now is about 60% of what is was before the injury and it's not a muscle thing, the neurons just have to re-grow and everything has to fire again and it hasn't done that yet and it's taking a really long time.

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