First can I just say that I miss the Backlash PPV, same goes for No Way Out. The WWE seems to be getting ride of its traditional PPVs for more gimmick PPVs such as Extreme Rules, Money In The Bank, Cyber Sunday, Tables Ladders and Chairs, Elimination Chamber, and Hell In The Cell. These all used to be cool matches, but devoting entire PPVs to these concepts kinda takes away the excitement of the matches I think. When a rivalry builds up to a cage match its exciting, but when every March every rivalry has a cage match it just seems lame to me... but that's just my opinion.
Anyways, just like Wrestlemania, probably the best feud is Orton and Punk, but that is over now I guess since Orton went to Smackdown in the draft. But their Last Man Standing match was good, and the top rope RKO was impressive!
Am I the only one that was disappointed to see Sheamus lose the US Title to Kofi?? It wasn't that impressive of a table match, tho it was kind of ironic to see Sheamus lose a championship in a table match for a change lol.
I wont waste time talking about the Michael Cole shit, I hate him and I wish WWE would fire him, I don't care if he is doing what WWE tells him to do, its annoying, just get ride of him, enough already! It makes everyone involved look stupid, not that Cole, King, or JR could look any more stupid than they always do, but this whole thing is ruining Jack Swagger who I think has a big future... if they doing ruin it!

Apparently, Michelle has left the WWE to spend more time at home with her husband, the Undertaker, who has also reportedly retired... tho it is rumored he might have one more match at next years Wrestlemania, and then retire officially.
The real highlight of the woman's match was the debut of Awesome Kong, now known in the WWE as Karma. She came out and just destroyed Michelle with what was known in TNA as the "Implant Buster" if I'm not mistaken lol.
This lead to the World Championship ladder match between Christian and Alberto. Just as I had expected, Christian won the title thanks to an assist from Edge. But that doesn't mean it wasn't still exciting to see Christian finally win the World Title. I think this is something that was long overdue. I mean Edge won 11 World Titles before he retired last month, and this is only Christian's first lol. It was a good match, Alberto took that one fall onto the ladder outside the ring that was far worse than anything I expected him to take. He is proving himself, but I still don't like him and think he is not main event yet.

The filler match between main events was the tag team lumberjack match. It was pretty shitty lol. Jackson body-slammed the Big Show yet again, tho that never gets old lol. But Barrett is boring and I hate the Corre and the New Nexus. I thought the original Nexus had potential to be interesting, but they kinda ruined it. I was happy to see them end Cena's career, but of course that storyline lasted about a week lol.
Last but not least, the main event, WWE Championship, Triple-Threat, Steel Cage Match!!!

Anyways, Cena won and I was not impressed. But it was a good match and hopefully Morrison will get his chance with the title one day soon!
Also, it wasn't shown on the PPV but they showed it the next night on Raw... after Cena won the belt he made the announcement to the crowd that they had caught and killed Osama Bin Laden. The crowd looked shocked, prolly not the way they expected to hear that news haha.
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